

News detail

  • Notification2021/04/19 09:20
    The Nursing Education Community "Nursing ICT Education Team" has been established and is now active.

Ms. Kitae, Associate Professor of Adult Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Tokyo University of Health Sciences Wakayama, initiated the "Nursing ICT Education Team".

This community aims to create a place for interactive learning using ICT, and has been active since March 2021, based on the business chat Slack.
The purpose of this program is to discuss and share information on various topics in nursing education, and our company agrees and cooperates with the activities.
We are currently working with faculty from nursing colleges and universities across the country, and we hope that all nursing faculty and nurses will participate in our activities.
In addition to area-specific channels, this community offers a variety of information sharing opportunities, including a channel for developing case studies for exercises and practical training, and a dedicated room for teachers who use our educational electronic medical record "Medi-EYE".
We hope you will select the room that best suits your topic, including distance learning initiatives, and make active use of it.
If you agree with our activities, please join the "Nursing ICT Education Team" from the link below.

Nursing ICT Education Team Slack Link (click here)
*Reference Links
How to use Slack:https://www.sedesign.co.jp/blog/how-to-use-slack